Fighting Eurasian Coots
…and some other flying capable creatures at Lake Littoistenjärvi. Equipment: Olympus E-M1X + M.Zuiko 300/4 + MC-20.
Clear and cold morning
This “winter” has been one of worst I remember in photography point of view. But last week there was one cold and clear morning at Lake Littoistenjärvi, hurray! The lake was almost frozen, temperature was about -10 centigrades at the sunrise time and the swans were resting on the lake. No actions, the swans were…
Thin ice
Lake Littoistenjärvi got slightly frozen last night. The ice was just thick enough to carry the swans, but they had trouble with climbing onto ice from water. Some geese also landed onto the lake, but the ice was not thick enough to carry them. Equipment: Olympus E-M1X+ M.Zuiko 300/4 + MC-14 and E-M1 Mark II…